
Made In Guatemala: A Day in the Life of a Coffee F

Hello! The book I am reading is related to coffee.
So, I chose this video about a day in the life a coffee farmer in Guatemala.

 He always gets up at 5 or 5:30 and works about nine or ten hours.
He walks about one hour to go to his field.
After that, the thing he only has to do is driving for bringing wood down and fertilizer up.
At 5, he starts heading back. His work is very hard,but he doesn't get enough money.
He wants to take better care of the plants that produce more coffee. However, it requres money.
So, he says that the customers have to have the money to invest and be able to wait to see the profits.

Before I watched this video, I thoght that the coffee farmers could earn enough money.
 It was because the coffee industry became familiar.
 However, the coffee farmer's life is still hard and it is surprising for me.
 This video will also give you a lot of information about coffee.
 So, if you have time, please watch this video!

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